The Truth Behind RFK Jr. Not Making CNN Debate

Serious questions about corruption in the network’s candidate selection process.

By Paul R. Brian

CNN recently announced that Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has not qualified for the upcoming presidential debate this Thursday (June 27) in Atlanta. According to CNN, RFK Jr. fell short of its poll requirements for the event, leaving it just between President Joe Biden and Donald Trump. For his part, RFK Jr. has called the move “undemocratic,” a “cowardly” and “un-American” maneuver against him. He’s even brought a complaint to the Federal Election Commission (FEC), saying CNN’s debate requirements break campaign finance law.

Is there any merit to RFK Jr.’s accusation?

Why Was RFK Jr. Cut from the Debate?

According to CNN’s rules for debate qualification, RFK Jr. had to hit 15% or more…

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