The Tango RINO 125 –


What is a RINO, a Republican In Name Only. I started the RINO 125 because nobody could tell me how to quantify a RINO. I looked only at the house Republicans because I can count the good Republicans Senators on two hands. I went through every house vote since the beginning of this congress, even looking at the amendment votes. I also include the last Trump Impeachment vote and the votes on postponing the electoral vote college certification. There are still 2 RINO’s who voted for Trump’s Impeachment, #4 Dan Newhouse WA-04 and #7 David Valadao in the house.

My criteria was simple, how did these scumbags vote when on legislation when the Democrats/ Uniparty needed Republican votes to pass. I first looked only at the major spending bills and the January 6th vote but then I started seeing a trend and wanted to see who was blocking these good amendments from getting into the main…

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