THE TANGO 125 UPDATED, Where does your RINO Rank?


Who’s a RINO? What’s really is RINO? The definition is Republican In Name Only. I tallied all pertinent votes from this congressional session. This is update includes all the summer votes. I rank these scumbags based on their own votes on bills and amendments. If they vote against freedoms of any kind, for Uniparty spending bills, against amendments to reign in the spending, and for stupid spending on foreign wars they receive points. The propaganda news outlets call them conservatives, but conservatives do not vote for OMNIBUS Spending Bills, UNIPARTY/DEEP STATE RINOs do. Today, there are two distinct groups within the Republican Party: those who prioritize America and its citizens First, and those who support the Globalist/Uniparty/Deep State agenda, ultimately benefiting themselves at the expense of the nation. With this List I show you who the latter are.

I see…

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