The Same Cult of Peace for Which the Left Protests in America—Moslem Mob Torched a ‘Tourist’ Alive in Pakistan – Def-Con News

Visit Pakistan at your own risk. Not for the faint of heart, radical Islam is a danger of which to beware.

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[WARNING: This article contains graphic images.] 

We the People are sadly astounded how liberal women, especially those of the hyper-feminist mold, can back a religion that brutalizes its female population.

Unless they’ve existed under rocks since 1979, they must know that if Me Too were to ever become a thing in the moslem world, the women would be stoned to death after making the accusation.

Life in the moslem world can best be described as a return back to Medieval times. Each time this cult of peace rears its ugly head mutilation and horrific death follow.

[R]adical Islam is…

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