The Risks and Rewards of the Presidential Debate

One way to win, a million ways to lose.

On June 27, two presidents, one former, one current, will be stage-managed by CNN producers to create what the ailing news network hopes will be a spectacle to revive its flagging ratings. Donald Trump and Joe Biden will take part in a debate that involves no studio audience. Candidates’ microphones will be muted when it isn’t their “turn” to speak and the entire event will be completely controlled by a network that has been avowedly anti-Trump since November 2016. What could possibly go wrong?

The Debate Scorecard

For the president, all the planets have aligned. The network, the moderators – Jake Tapper and Dana Bash – and the format are all pro-Biden. Indeed, just last month, Bash described Trump’s campaign rhetoric as “antisemitic and incredibly dangerous” and…

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