The Real Reason to Salt Your Noodle Water: Pro Chef Debunks 9 Pasta-Making Myths


When it comes to making pasta, sometimes it’s about throwing a noodle against a wall and seeing if it sticks — literally. Many amateur cooks are practically clueless when it comes to perfecting the art of making the classic Italian dish, accepting pasta-making myths as facts and ruining the crave-worthy carb in the process. 

The bucatini blasphemy stops here. We’ve recruited Filippo de Marchi, chef at NH Collection Venezia Murano Villa‘s De Majo Restaurant & Terrace, to lend us his culinary expertise and put an end to the mush that often passes as macaroni. 

“Cooking pasta isn’t difficult at all. It’s all about timing and the right water-to-pasta ratio,” he says. “Don’t fall into the trap of believing in myths. Just trust your instincts and follow the simple instructions.”

So we’ve rounded up nine of the most popular pasta-making myths we could find and implored De Marchi to either…

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