‘The Real Housewives of New Jersey’ Season 12 Premiere Recap


There’s that old game of Telephone, where someone hears one thing, repeats it to another person, who repeats it to the next, and by the time it gets back to the original person the message is totally different. Well, this episode of The Real Meatballs of Marinara Gulch is a game of Social Media. Everything is about the last sentence of an Instagram comment, a Reddit post of a long-forgotten Facebook video that people are reposting on their Tumblr, a group text that everyone has read but no one responded to. Trying to follow along requires screenshots, bolded passages, forensic explanations, and enough patience to fill the waiting room of a Turkish plastic surgeon who specializes in Disney princess noses.

But, unlike Telephone, which brings us someplace else, in this game we end up in…

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