The Presidential Polling Piñata – Liberty Nation News


Not all surveys are created equal.

There is an inherent problem with polling – and that goes double for surveys that could benefit a presidential campaign. A casual observer of the news might think the 2024 polling data resembles the final match at Wimbledon, with leads switching at an almost uncountable pace. But therein lies the rub; not all polls are created equal, and interpretation is more often in the eye of the purveyor than the beholder. As Hamlet noted to his trusty friends: “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”

Polling Predicts?

One poll does not a contest decide. Rather, an amalgam of surveys suggest a trend in one direction or another. The confusion arises when the Fourth Estate declare that a candidate has taken a lead based on a single poll. No sooner is such victory announced,…

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