The hidden foreign funding behind campus antisemitism

The antisemitic pro-Palestinian protesters who wreaked havoc on leftist college campuses this spring are part of a broader scheme funded by anti-Israel nations. 

Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait have contributed a combined $10.3 billion to universities between 1986 and 2020, according to transparency nonprofit organization Open the Books

Given that more than $5 billion of that came from Qatar, a key financial contributor to Hamas, it should be no surprise that al Qaeda and Iranian Ayatollah Ali Khamenei endorsed the young protesters and their disturbing actions. 

Foreign nations have long given money to top colleges to buy influence. Almost 200 universities hold contracts with Chinese businesses to the tune of $2.32 billion. The University of Pennsylvania has received more than $50 million in foreign funding from China since President Joe Biden’s…

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