The great realignment: What Trump’s victory means for GOP coalition


President-elect Donald Trump pulled off a stunning political realignment in his successful 2024 campaign, one that the Republican Party will hope to maintain in future elections.

Trump outperformed his 2020 numbers in 49 of the 50 states, did better with Hispanics than any Republican since at least 1972, won the popular vote for the GOP for the first time in 20 years, and even improved with women voters despite the Kamala Harris campaign’s heavy focus on that demographic.

“There will be multiple books written about this going forward, about what he was able to achieve,” Trump campaign senior adviser Corey Lewandowski told the Washington Examiner. “These [results] are all real. They’re not anecdotal, they’re empirical. So when you look at what was achieved because of Donald Trump’s success, you have to say, ‘boy, that was pretty amazing.”

The Democratic…

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