In December 2000, the Sci-Fi Channel (since renamed Syfy) released Frank Herbert’s Dune, an ambitious three-part miniseries. Science fiction author Rajan Khanna was a recent college grad when he first watched the show.
“I remember it coming out, and I remember honestly the Sci-Fi Channel being a big deal back in the day,” Khanna says in Episode 515 of the Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy podcast. “This was before there was all this geek stuff everywhere. It was sort of like, ‘This is for us,’ in a way.”
With a budget of $20 million, Frank Herbert’s Dune was an ambitious project for the fledgling network. The series won an Emmy for special effects and was one of the channel’s highest-rated programs. But TV writer Andrea Kail warns that modern audiences won’t exactly be blown away by the show’s production values. “I have a very distinct memory of one…