The Case for Cracking Down on Looters – RedState


Everyone who has been watching the news out of California is saddened. This is one of these cases where human sympathy should overlook politics; people, many of whom aren’t overtly political in any case, are losing their homes, and have been in danger of losing their lives. Emergency personnel are in the field, doing their dangerous work. Many of us – me included – have friends and family in California, making this a crisis that affects the whole country.

Yes, if California’s public lands and forests had been managed properly, this wouldn’t necessarily be happening. That is a vital discussion to have, and there has to be some accountability for the people who let this happen, either through inaction or willing malfeasance to appease environmentalists.

But there’s another problem to deal with: Looting. Some looters have already been arrested.

During a press conference Wednesday, Los…

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