The Blame Game: Who’s Responsible for Our National Nightmare?

It’s the day after the day after, and much of America is still reeling from a shocking debate performance by President Joe Biden. It was humiliating for him and an embarrassment for the nation. Anyone who has ever served as a leader in any capacity knows that at times like these, someone must step up to the plate and take responsibility because it’s vital to learn from our mistakes in order to avoid repeating them. So, who is to blame for placing a man with obvious signs of dementia on the world stage only to make a fool of himself?

Rambling, mumbling, checked out for long periods, and just plain confused, the president of the free world, arguably the most powerful man on Earth – a man with the nuclear football by his side 24 hours a day – was having a great deal of difficulty making sense. Even an objective observer might have thought they…

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