The biggest geopolitical winners and losers of 2024


Similarly to 2023, 2024 proved to be one of the most unpredictable years in recent history, with developments completely upending the global order.

The largest war in Europe since World War II continued in Ukraine for the third year. At the same time, a series of escalations between Israel and the so-called “Axis of Resistance” completely upended the existing order in the Middle East.

Here are the biggest geopolitical winners and losers of 2024:

Turkish soldiers, Syrian rebels, and Israel Defense Forces soldiers. (AP)


Though its rise has often fallen under the radar, Turkey has one of the best records of power projection of the 21st century. Under President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey has decisively intervened in conflicts in Libya, Iraq, Syria, and Azerbaijan-Armenia, winning all of them.

All the while, Ankara has been able to successfully…

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