The Atlantic Declares ‘Selfish’ Joe Biden ‘Destroyed His Legacy’ — Admits He ‘Failed Spectacularly’ at Saving Democracy | The Gateway Pundit

Joe Biden

Joe Biden’s legacy is one of failure, according to the left-wing The Atlantic magazine.

In a piece entitled “How Biden Destroyed His Legacy,” staff writer Franklin Foer argues that while Biden had some measurable achievements, he “failed spectacularly” on his signature issue of “preserving democracy.”

Foer writes:

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.’s obituary will be stalked by the counterfactual: What if he hadn’t made the selfish decision to run for reelection? What if he had passed the torch a year or even six months earlier? That makes for a grim parlor game.

The way that events unfolded—his catastrophic debate performance, the stark clarity with which the nation came to understand his geriatric state–-beggars belief. Why didn’t Democrats stage an intervention earlier? Why didn’t his aides stop him from running?

The absurd premise of the Biden…

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