Ted Cruz introduces bill to crack down on deepfake pornography

Conservatives are fighting back against the exploitative pornography industry, but it is becoming a tougher battle every day.

Pornhub, the largest pornographic website, announced that it is blocking access in Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, and Nebraska by the end of July because those states passed legislation requiring age verification to access adult websites. This means that Pornhub will be blocked in almost one-fourth of the country, as it had previously pulled out of Arkansas, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Texas, Utah, and Virginia due to similar child safety laws.

Pornhub does not care about protecting children, and its parent company recently had to pay a fine for profiting from sex trafficking. However, Pornhub is only a small part of the growing pornography problem.

More than half of teenagers say they first saw adult content by the age of 13, at least 11% of men…

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