Team Biden Reportedly Worrying Behind Closed Doors That France’s Liberal Darling President Is Electorally Doomed

Officials in the Biden White House are reportedly worried that one of its closest political allies — French President Emmanuel Macron — could lose big in the country’s looming parliamentary elections, Politico reported Saturday.

Macron, who has been viewed as a bulwark against the European right, dissolved the country’s parliament and called for an early snap election starting on Sunday after right-wing parties made huge gains in European parliament elections in early June in an attempt to prove there is still support for his agenda in France. Behind closed doors, Biden aides are baffled and concerned at Macron’s decision to call the unnecessary elections, with a poor showing from Marcon’s more liberal party casting doubt on the cohesion of the European Union and the Biden administration’s foreign policy goals involving the continent, according to Politico, citing U.S….

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