Tax Cuts Need to Be in First Reconciliation Bill to Give Businesses Certainty


On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria,” Rep. Beth Van Duyne (R-TX) said that tax cuts should be in the first reconciliation package the new Republican Congress passes to give businesses certainty and also stated that there may only be one reconciliation package.

Heritage Foundation Research Fellow EJ Antoni asked, “[A]lthough the Trump tax cut was incredibly effective, one of the things, I think, that reduced its effectiveness was the incredible delay in actually getting it done, getting it across the finish line the first time around. Do you anticipate that the speaker’s actually going to be able to get it done and get it done early so that we don’t have a delay and so that we don’t have those tremendous lags in terms of economic activity where people, essentially, are pausing, whether it’s investment, consumption, whatever…

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