Viaplay Content Distribution has boarded the anticipated drama series “Vanguard,” a gripping portrayal of Swedish media mogul Jan Stenbeck played by Jakob Oftebro (“Black Crab,” “Agent Hamilton”).
Produced by FLX for SVT in collaboration with New8 Alliance, the five-part series was directed by Goran Kapetanović (“Caliphate,” “The Congregation”).
“Vanguard” was penned by Alex Haridi (“Quicksand’, ‘Love & Anarchy’), Lotta Eriksson (“The Hunt for a Killer”) and Helene Lindholm (“The Hunt for a Killer”), based on Per Andersson’s acclaimed biography “Stenbeck: A Biography of a Successful Businessman.”
Viaplay Content Distribution has boarded international sales rights to the series and will unveil the first episode to buyers during Viaplay Content Distribution’s London Screenings event in February.