Steve Ford Delivers Father Gerald Ford’s Posthumous and Deeply Moving Eulogy for Jimmy Carter – RedState


King Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes, “It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting, because that is the end of every man, and the living takes it to heart.” Whatever your feelings on former President Jimmy Carter, there were some deep and profound moments during his funeral service Thursday. One of those moments is the eulogy to Carter by former President Gerald Ford. It is worth the time to find the video, and it has salient points that one can take to heart. The first point is the powerful bond of friendship which transcends political or personal differences. 

For those not familiar with these two presidents’ story, it went beyond a 1976 election and an epic loss by Ford. Carter and Ford became friends after that election, and made a promise to each other to eulogize one another at their forthcoming funerals. Ford died in…

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