SSI Payment Schedule: Here’s When You’ll Get Your Second Check This Month


Supplemental Security Income recipients have already received their payment for the month of August, but what you may not know is that you’re set to receive another one before the end of the month. The payment schedule can change month to month depending on what day a month starts on, which is what’s happening this time. We’ll explain. Also, if you didn’t know, you might be getting a boost to the amount of money in your checks later this year.

Supplemental Security Income is a program run by the Social Security Administration. It benefits qualifying recipients with limited income and resources, and people with qualifying disabilities. Children who are blind or with disabilities may also qualify for SSI. 

If you just started receiving benefits or you’re about to apply to SSI, we’ll break down the payment schedule for the rest of the year so you won’t have to guess when to expect…

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