Squad Member Bowman Suffers Major Defeat

Progressives feel the pinch and Biden gets a warning

Representative Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) suffered a ten-point defeat in his primary bid for re-election, dealing a significant blow to the self-styled “Squad” of progressive lawmakers in Congress. Losing New York’s 16th District race to pro-Israel George Latimer exposes a fault line in the Democrat ranks that could bring heavy penalties come November.

While the party of Joe Biden is in lockstep on issues such as abortion, immigration, gun control, and the defeat of Donald Trump, a conflict more than 6,000 miles away threatens to become the focal point of an internecine war.

Self-Inflicted Wounds

The Democratic Party primary for Bowman’s seat was the most expensive of its kind ever recorded. With an estimated $25 million spent, it seems that the establishment was keen to…

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