Spurs’ Victor Wembanyama plays 1-on-1 chess with fans in New York


Victor Wembanyama went to a park in New York City and played 1-on-1 with fans on Saturday. He even lost a couple of games.

Not in basketball, though.

Wemby was playing chess.

Before the San Antonio Spurs left New York for a flight to Minnesota, Wembanyama put out the call on social media: “Who wants to meet me at the SW corner of Washington Square park to play chess? Im there,” Wembanyama wrote.

It was 9:36 a.m. People began showing up almost immediately.

Washington Square Park is a known spot for chess in New York — Bobby Fischer among others, have famously played there, and it’s been a spot used for multiple movie scenes featuring the game.

Wembanyama was there for an hour in the rain, from about 10-11 a.m. He played four games, winning two and losing two before departing to catch the Spurs’ flight.

Wembanyama had been trying to get somewhere to play chess for the bulk of the team’s…

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