Social media exploded with reaction after the Daily Caller reported on a Senate staffer who filmed a sexual encounter in a hearing room Friday.
The unidentified staffer is seen naked during the sexual encounter with another unidentified male in the video, filmed in the Hart Senate Office Building. The Daily Caller blurred the individual’s face since he could not be positively identified. (RELATED: ‘Biden-Freak-O-Rama’: Laura Ingraham Bashes The ‘Freakish Behavior’ Of The Biden Admin)
“A whole lotta gay porn on my timeline tonight,” WMAL and Townhall talk show host Larry O’Connor posted on X. “Did Townhall trade me to The Bulwark?”
A whole lotta gay porn on my timeline tonight.
Did Townhall trade me to The Bulwark?@storm_paglia @KurtSchlichter
— L A R R Y (@LarryOConnor) December 16, 2023
“A staffer for a Democrat senator starred in an amateur anal s—x…