Shannan Gilbert’s Disappearance Led Authorities to Gilgo Beach Serial Killer

Shannan Gilbert disappeared on May 1, 2010, after visiting a client she met on Craigslist, in the gated community of Oak Beach on Long Island, N.Y.

The night she vanished, she made a haunting call to 911.

“There’s somebody after me,” she told an operator before fleeing from the client’s home at around 5 a.m.. “Somebody’s after me — please.”

Gilbert, 23, ran to an elderly neighbor’s house, knocked on the door and asked for help before tumbling down the stairs and darting off. The elderly neighbor called 911, as did another neighbor, who told police she was afraid to let Gilbert into her home.

But when police finally dispatched officers, Gilbert was nowhere to be found.

Her disappearance prompted a search, which led to the discovery of four bodies — Melissa Barthelemy, Amber Costello, Megan Waterman and Maureen Brainard-Barnes — in December 2010. All four…

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