Seth Rogen Refutes Claim That Comedy Is Harder to Do Now


Seth Rogen gave an interview to Esquire magazine as part of a new cover story and pushed back against the notion that comedy is now harder to pull off. Jerry Seinfeld went viral last year for saying TV comedy had been killed by the extreme left and P.C. culture, although he later said he regretted making such a claim and called it “not true.”

“The complaint that comedy’s harder than it used to be is not a valid complaint,” Rogen said. “Maybe it was too easy before. And why should it be? Why shouldn’t it be hard? I like that my job is hard, because I’m trying to do something that requires a huge amount of resources and people’s time and energy.”

While Rogen acknowledged the line between acceptable and offensive is moving, he argued that’s always been the case and it’s nothing new for comedians to have to navigate this fine line.

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