Senate Republicans Back Big Change To Prevent Repeat Of McConnell Era

A number of top Senate Republicans are signaling support for term limits for their next Leader as Mitch McConnell, 82, is set to step down from the position in November, the Daily Caller has learned.

Since McConnell announced his retirement, Texas Sen. John Cornyn, South Dakota Sen. John Thune and Florida Sen. Rick Scott have announced they are running to be the next GOP Senate Leader. Two of those three, along with several other notable Republican senators, told the Caller they support term limits for the next leader. (RELATED: Mitch McConnell Will Step Down As Senate Republican Leader In November)

Thune’s office was the only of the three leadership candidates to not state where he stands on the issue.

His office referred the Caller to a Politico article that said he’s “open to discussing term limits on the next Republican leader, with a critical caveat that the topic needs to…

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