Secret Service destroyed film of Commander attacking agent at White House

The Secret Service destroyed a film showing the Biden family dog, Commander, attacking an agent at the White House.

According to an email obtained by the Daily Mail through a Freedom of Information Act request, Commander was seen running at high speed toward a Secret Service agent in the East Wing’s Kennedy Garden, biting him hard enough to require stitches. The bite drew a serious amount of blood from the agent, requiring the White House to stop tours to clean it up.

“East Wing Tours were stopped for approximately 20 minutes due to blood from the incident being on the floors in the area of the Booksellers,” the message said.

FOIA Officer Kevin Tyrrell told the news outlet that the file was destroyed as part of standard Secret Service procedure.

“Due to Secret Service retention standards, the above mentioned file(s) has been destroyed,” he said.

The attack was the worst…

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