SCOTUS Rules Against Illegal Seeking U.S. Visa Despite Alleged MS-13 Affiliation

The Supreme Court ruled in a 6-3 opinion against an illegal alien who sought to secure a visa to stay in the United States after having been denied for allegedly being a member of the MS-13 gang.

In 2010, American citizen Sandra Munoz married Luis Asencio-Cordero, an illegal alien from El Salvador. Wanting to live together in the U.S., Munoz filed a petition with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to classify Asencio-Cordero as an immediate relative so he could apply for a visa.

After USCIS approved Munoz’s petition, Asencio-Cordero traveled to his native El Salvador to apply for a visa at a consular office. Asencio-Cordero underwent several interviews and was denied a visa on the grounds that he sought entry to the U.S. solely to engage in criminal activity.

Asencio-Cordero assumed he was denied the visa due to his alleged affiliation with the…

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