SCOTUS: Justice Jackson and Conservatives Kill Jan 6 Prosecutions

It was a 6-3 ruling, but Ketanji Jackson and Amy Barrett switched places.

A January 6 convict convinced the Supreme Court that the Biden DOJ improperly charged him via a novel use of a financial crimes law. The 6-3 decision in Fischer v. US affects over 350 defendants charged similarly, including, perhaps, Donald J. Trump. Why did Biden’s DOJ use it against so many Jan 6 defendants? It turned misdemeanor trespassing into a felony carrying a 20-year sentence – a fearsome cudgel against the pro-Trump protesters caught in the crosshairs of a government agency at war with its political enemies. More news in the case was that Justice Ketanji Jackson – Joe Biden’s sole Supreme Court appointee – voted with the conservatives, while Trump’s last pick, Justice Amy Barrett, wrote the dissent.

Justices Jackson and Barrett…

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