Rosalía Shares Embarrassing Harry Styles Texting Gaffe on ‘Fallon’


A word of advice to Harry Styles: If you’re going to text Rosalía, you might want to make sure you have the right number.

The “Saoko” singer revealed she frequently changes her phone number in an interview on The Tonight Show Thursday, which recently led to an unintentionally hilarious exchange between Styles and a mystery individual who inherited Rosalía’s old digits.

“I changed it so often, because I didn’t answer messages — and then I realized I wanted to focus, be in the studio, work,” the Spanish singer said during the sit-down, which marked her first U.S. talk show appearance, calling the move a “fresh start.”

What Rosalía didn’t realize, however, is that old phone numbers are often recycled. “I didn’t know that that happened. I thought that when you use a phone number, then that phone number disappears or something,” she explained. “My friends,…

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