Whether you are a wealthy first-world country or a developing nation, China has proven to be an untrustworthy partner that only looks out for itself while exploiting the trust of those willing to work with it.
An acid spill from a dam holding acidic waste from a Chinese copper mine in Zambia has contaminated a river, with the pollution reaching at least 60 miles downstream from the spill site. The Kafue River is over 930 miles long and supplies around five million Zambians with drinking water. There has been a smaller acid leak at another Chinese mine. Chinese copper mines in Zambia have unsurprisingly been “accused of ignoring safety, labor and other regulations,” according to the Associated Press.
Zambia is trapped between a rock and a hard place, though, because it is more than $4 billion in debt to China. Countries such as Zambia, Sri Lanka, and Djibouti have found…