Review: River City One


River City One, published by Simon and Schuster in November 2023, is a novel about a
who comes home from war to find himself waging a harder war for true inner peace. “River City” is Marine Corps radio lingo for a communications hold, normally in the aftermath of an unanticipated event such as an attack.

River City One is authored by a Marine Corps infantry officer veteran, John J. Waters. Waters attended the
U.S. Naval Academy
before serving combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. In ways subtle and direct, the book’s key themes will be intimately familiar to ground combat
. Like his author, the book’s protagonist John Walker is a Marine Corps veteran of the Afghanistan war now turned civilian lawyer. On paper, his life is excellent. He has a loving wife, son, and well-paying job. His colleagues mean well. He has stability. He has a social network.


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