Restaurant Wars! Buddha Lo Offers His Critiques


Buddha Lo is a two-time Top Chef winner, executive chef at Hūso in New York City, and a Saratoga Spring Water brand ambassador. He is sharing his thoughts after each episode of Top Chef season 21, set in Wisconsin, offering a unique perspective as a former cheftestant.

Warning: This article contains spoilers.

It’s that time of the season again, it’s Restaurant Wars! Surprisingly, none of the contestants could guess the challenge correctly. Restaurant Wars is something I prepared for no matter what part of the season. Everyone knows the final cook and Restaurant Wars are the only guaranteed challenges in the modern era of Top Chef

This time, chefs got to choose their teams, and most gravitated towards Danny Garcia, so whoever didn’t get to him in time created their own separate team. Because Michelle won the last challenge, she was able to choose her team…

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