Republican-led House passes military draft bill automatically registering men AND WOMEN for the draft –

SHOCK: Republican-led House passes military draft bill automatically registering men AND WOMEN for the draft

The annual defense policy bill known as the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is moving forward in accordance with the Republican agenda, which includes forcing American men and women to fight the next worldwide banker war.

According to reports, the proposed NDAA for fiscal year 2025 passed the House of Representatives mostly along party lines in a 217-199 vote. The $883.7 billion war act was only opposed by three measly Republicans while the rest voted to draft your wives and children, depending on age, into the next world war.

NDAA FY 2025 will automatically register all draft-age male U.S. residents with the Selective Service, the draft age being 18-26. The legislation also states that draft-age females will be automatically registered as well – this is the…

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