Rep. Cori Bush Calls Pro-Israel Group AIPAC a ‘Threat to Democracy’

Embattled Squad member Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO), who is facing a tough primary in August, called the pro-Israel advocacy group AIPAC a “threat to democracy” in a social media post on Wednesday.

She posted a statement on X with the headline, “My statement on AIPAC’s threat to Democracy,” adding, “Their far-right SuperPac and allies spent $20M to unseat my brother @JamaalBowmanNY.”

In the statement, she accused AIPAC, which stands for American Israel Public Affairs Committee Political Action Committee, of buying votes against Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), a fellow “Squad” member who recently lost a primary by double-digits to Democrat Westchester County Executive George Latimer.

Bush said in the statement, which seemed to rely on the anti-semitic trope that Jews use money to control the world:

20 million dollars. That was the staggering price tag put on unseating…

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