Protesters Are Fighting to Stop AI, but They’re Split on How to Do It

Would it be too disruptive if protests staged sit-ins or chained themselves to the doors of AI developers, one member of the Discord asked. “Probably not. We do what we have to, in the end, for a future with humanity, while we still can.”

Meindertsma had been worried about the consequences of AI after reading Superintelligence, a 2014 book by philosopher Nick Bostrom that popularized the idea that very advanced AI systems could pose a risk to human existence altogether. Joseph Miller, the organizer of PauseAI’s protest in London was similarly inspired.

It was the launch of OpenAI’s large language model Chat-GPT 3 in 2020 that really got Miller worried about the trajectory AI was on. “I suddenly realized that this is not a problem for the distant future, this is something where AI is really getting good now,” he says. Miller joined an AI safety research…

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