Protester Sets Self on Fire Outside Israeli Consulate in Atlanta


“We believe it was an act of extreme political protest that occurred,” said Atlanta police

A protester set themselves on fire Friday outside the Israeli consulate in Atlanta, AP reported. A security guard who tried to intervene was also injured.

During a news conference, Atlanta Police Chief Darin Schierbaum said a Palestinian flag found at the scene was part of the protest. “We do not see any threat here,” he said. “We believe it was an act of extreme political protest that occurred.”

The fire chief, Roderick M. Smith, said the individual had set up outside the building and that there was evidence of gasoline being used as an accelerant. The protester suffered third-degree burns, and is in critical condition, according to the New York Times. The security guard was burned on his wrist and leg and both were transferred to Grady Memorial…

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