Pramila Jayapal Hears About It After ‘Idiotic’ Tweet About a Burning Los Angeles McDonald’s – RedState


As the California wildfires continue to rage, there is a lot of finger-pointing going on.

Republicans have blamed decades of disastrous Democrat rule, which includes poor, misguided, and ideologically motivated planning driven in part by an obsession with DEI and climate alarmism. 

Democrats, on the other hand, have blamed Republicans for among other things allegedly not taking the threat of so-called climate change more seriously.

But though one would expect these types of debates to be happening amid the devastation, one would think that victim blaming would be out of bounds.

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That was not the case, however, for compassionate, loving, and inclusive Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), who took to the Twitter/X machine Thursday afternoon to deliver a cheap shot to…

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