“Adipurush,” starring Prabhas (the “Baahubali” films), is one of the most anticipated Indian films of 2022. It is directed by Om Raut, who directed Ajay Devgn-starring “Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior,” the biggest Indian box office hit of 2020 with $50 million.
“Adipurush” is Raut’s take on Indian mythological epic “Ramayana,” which has been adapted for film and television numerous times in India, including a series which ran for several years on state broadcaster Doordarshan. However, the idea for the film was born when Raut attended a screening of Japanese filmmaker Yugo Sako’s anime version of the epic, “The Prince of Light,” which he watched at the Mumbai Film Festival in the early 2000s.
“I was mesmerized. This is the way this story has to be told, very condensed… precise, yet you feel for the characters, you are rooting for Prabhu [Lord]…