Post Malone Just Tattooed A Phallic Image On A Very Famous Person’s Face

Post Malone tattooed a penis onto Steve-O’s face and there’s a video that shows the entire experience.

This is Steve-O’s first face tattoo ever and he bravely laid down while Malone, who is known for the numerous tattoos he has all over his body, including his face, went to work with the ink. The video showed Steve-O grimacing and squirming in obvious pain as he underwent the painful face-tattooing process with the camera rolling. The clip was recorded June 14, a day after Steve-O celebrated his 50th birthday, and shared by TMZ June 17.

Malone went to work on the face-ink quite casually, while backstage at the Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival, according to TMZ.

The famous singer leaned over Steve-O and asked “Are you nervous? First time …”

“A little bit, yeah,” Steve-O said, and with that, Malone went right to work.

Malone kept joking around while the wildly phallic…

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