Pope Francis Urges Chinese Catholics to Be ‘Good Citizens’

ROME — Pope Francis took advantage of his trip to Mongolia Sunday to reach out to Chinese Catholics, exhorting them to be “good citizens.”

At the end of Sunday Mass in the Hun Theatre in the Mongolian capital of Ulaanbaatar, the pontiff called forward two Hong Kong bishops to stand with him at the altar, Cardinal John Tong Hon, bishop emeritus of Hong Kong, and Cardinal-elect Stephen Chow Sau-yan, SJ, the current bishop of Hong Kong.

“These are two brother bishops, the emeritus of Hong Kong and the current bishop of Hong Kong,” Francis said. “I would like to take advantage of their presence to send a warm greeting to the noble people of China.”

“To all the people I wish the best. Strive ahead, always advancing,” he continued. “And I ask Chinese Catholics to be good Christians and good citizens.”

In 2021, the pope chose fellow Jesuit Father Stephen Chow…

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