Plurality See Immigration as Being Negative for British Society

A survey found that the plurality of Britons see immigration as negative, while a majority said only Nigel Farage’s party is telling the truth about the issue.

A poll conducted by YouGov for Sky News found that 43 per cent of the British public believed that immigration was doing more harm than good, compared to 35 per cent who felt it was a positive influence on the country. The only regions of the UK in which more people believed that mass migration was a net good for society were London and Scotland.

The most significant divide in perceptions was by age, with 54 per cent of 18 to 24-year-olds believing that immigration was positive overall, while 58 per cent of people above the age of 65 said that its impacts on society were negative.

Strikingly, fewer women said they felt immigration was good for the economy than men, with just 34 per cent of women agreeing with the…

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