Planned Parenthood’s federally funded mess


Defunding Planned Parenthood is now an attainable goal for the pro-life movement. President-elect Donald Trump aimed to do so during his first time in office, and the pressure remains for his coming term.

The case is nondiscriminatory: Planned Parenthood uses its funding poorly and dishonestly. A look into the rampant unionization and various substandard working conditions makes the case itself. That is not to say Planned Parenthood is corrupt and greedy; case closed — its executives really are partial to abortion and feel responsible for it, so they maneuver accordingly and do not care about much else. Besides, given the reversal of Roe v. Wade, federal funding for an abortion-plus-side-gigs operation does not fit the frame. Is more money supposed to fix Planned Parenthood? 

Of course not. But that is the question the Trump administration is betting will occur to…

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