Plane Passenger Accepts $100 from Elderly Woman in Exchange for an Aisle Seat


An airplane passenger’s act of kindness left them feeling “weird” after they received an unexpected reward.

In the Delta discussion forum on Reddit, a user named Bald_head_scallywag explained they were flying in first class the morning of Thursday, Feb. 6 when they came upon “an elderly lady [who] was having a hard time getting her bag in the overhead,” so the user stepped in to help. 

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They quickly realized they were seated next to each other, she in 1D and he in 1D. The woman told the original poster (OP) she felt “claustrophobic in the window seats in this particular seat configuration,” and offered him $100 to switch with her.

Surprised by the offer, he quickly declined the money and said he was happy to switch for free as long as she wouldn’t be bothered by him needing to get out…

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