Pfizer CEO says COVID was just a test… “a rehearsal” for something bigger yet to come –

Pfizer CEO says COVID was just a test… “a rehearsal” for something bigger yet to come

When Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said that COVID-19 was just a test, it pretty much flew under the radar, but history tells us this comment could prove to be more of a warning than an off-handed comment.

“I truly think the best days of Pfizer are ahead of us because Covid was, for me, like a rehearsal, prove generali, how you can mobilize an organization and do the impossible, possible, against a main disease,” Bourla said.

It’s a pretty ominous statement when you think about it considering that when we look back, we can often find instances where someone warned us, either directly or in a more subtle way, that something bad was brewing but no one heeded the warning.

For example, Alex Jones pointed out that he cautioned something like the COVID-19 pandemic would happen way back in…

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