Penny Stocks to Watch for February 2022


Penny stocks have a well-deserved reputation for low quality, high risk, and intense volatility. However, by practicing due diligence, you can discover some hidden treasures in the most unexpected places.

Below, you’ll find updates on previously discussed penny stocks from this column, followed by a few new intriguing and inexpensive trade ideas that are still flying under most investors’ radar.

Some of the setups described below may no longer be relevant or intact as of the time you read this article. Please conduct your own due diligence. Many stocks mentioned here were also discussed in the Peter Leeds Newsletter. Leeds may own shares in some of the investments mentioned, in which case that fact will be clearly indicated. Please note that penny stocks are notoriously volatile.

First, Some Updates

Amyris, Inc. (AMRS)

After Amyris, Inc. (AMRS) was first…

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