Payback Time! Student Loans Going Back to Normal


As English playwright Ben Johnson wrote, “Time is like a bald cheetah.” Or, as the indebted cool kids around the block like to say, time flies when you do not have to pay your obligations. That’s right! Back to school also means millions of Americans will need to begin paying off their student loans again, leaving scores of graduates and students in a dilly of a pickle in the fall. Will this result in financial pain for those with a degree in lesbian dance theory? The data suggest yes.

Paying Your Student Loans

The Department of Education’s pandemic-era student loan forbearance program will come to an end. In September, interest on student loans will begin accruing, and payments will start in October. If you have been out of school for a while or your son or daughter did the sensible thing and studied the trades, you might not have known that Uncle Sam paused federal student…

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