Pat Buchanan – A Forerunner to Donald Trump?

By F. Andrew Wolf, Jr.

Cliches are sometimes unavoidable (hindsight is 20/20), but then so is history – it provides clarity when obfuscation is the order of the day. Donald J. Trump certainly appears to be one of a kind, yet it still seems fitting to say that, in some respects, we have been here before. Earlier, it was with one who some say was a pioneer and even, in a way, a forerunner to 45: Patrick Joseph Buchanan.

The author, TV commentator, and advisor to Presidents Nixon, Ford, and Reagan pursued a political agenda that still resonates today among conservative American minds. High on his list of priorities for America was a moratorium on unlimited immigration, including a wall along the southern border. He sought to rescind unfair trade agreements and reinvigorate US manufacturing. Buchanan cautioned Americans against foreign interventions and warned…

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