Over 9.5 Years of Flawless Function


I acquired a Heckler & Koch VP40 shortly after it was released in mid-2015 and now, approximately 9.5 years later, I can honestly say the pistol has functioned flawlessly.

The VP40 is a striker fired pistol with a picatinny rail for lights/accessories, and it ships with one 10-round magazine and one 13 -round magazine.

The pistol is just over three ounces heavier than its wildly popular cousin, the VP9, but the extra weight carries the benefit of helping reduce the snap of the .40 S&W round. In turn, the reduced snap makes second and third shot acquisition much easier.

The bottom line: The extra three ounces, coupled with the precise fit a shooter gets via H&K’s grip configuration options, equate to all-around greater control at the range.

People who purchase H&K pistols do so, in part, because of the reputation of a smooth, reliable function round after round, year after…

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